©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

外研社国际会议中心International Conference Center of FLTRP



This project includes a goods circulation center, a print factory, some educational facilities and some conference assistant facilities. The first phase of this project is the goods circulation center, which is a combination of the book storage units, connected by the discharging platform. The second phase is consisted of the education center and the printing factory. The buildings form an enclosing layout facing to the interior center. Some accessory facilities such as the refectory, multifunction room and receipt room are scattered in the courtyard to resemble the free layout of traditional residence. The conference and recreation centers belong to the third phase and are located in the west end. The main building is a slab building along the direction of south-north, which connects the swimming pool, entrance lobby and the conference hall.

The general architectural form is cubic. Borrowing the connection modes of traditional architecture, various connections between units are generated through the distribution of functions. These connections include: solid connections such as the discharging platform between book warehouses, the ramp between education building and guestrooms and the glass stair between reception hall and multifunction hall; spatial connections such as the visual detached effect created by the lucid glass; visual connections such as the ‘view borrowing’ effect, which achieves the spatial connections between architectural solids, through the transparent interface and the visual frame. The façade is mainly covered by deep red bricks, and the apartment building on the northern side is constructed with gray concrete blocks. Some white bricks are used to enhance the animated atmosphere.





