©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

北京德胜尚城Desheng Shangcheng Office Building, Beijing


Desheng Shangcheng Office Buildings are located in the northwest of the Arrow Tower, Desheng Men. The difference between the old and the new is so close only in a short distance of 200 meters. The site is about 200 meters’ long, and 80 meters’ wide, and the height limit there is 18 meters. The buildings on the ground are separated into 7 individual office sections, which are connected by a diagonal street. Some new Hutong spaces are created between the buildings, and every building owns its particular court. All of these constitute a cluster of office buildings with both traditional character and high density. The concepts of the design include are to rebuild the fabric and structure of the Old City, to create the open space for the publics and to remind the memory of the great city.





