©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

安阳殷墟博物馆Yin Ruins Museum of Anyang






With a history more than 3000 years, Yin Ruins, the site of late Shang Dynasty’ capital, is the oldest heritage of ancient city that is recorded in Chinese historical literature.

Since the area of Yin Ruins is too large to build a museum in the buffer zone, the project has to occupy a location in the central heritage on the west bank of Huan River.  The museum’s underground massing with greening roof diminishes the modern style interference as much as possible and makes itself a part of the environments to protect the original feature of this heritage.

The different spaces caused by a sunken patio and ramps around it represent the scenes of excavated ruins and remind those cultural heritage of Yin Ruins, especially oracle bone inscriptions and bronze wares. As a formal entrance, the opened patio also reduces oppression of underground building.

Used on the limited exterior and ramp’s wall, the pisolite plaster is a basic material of the building. As a cheap and simple material produced locally, its expression of primitivism and introversion is quite fit for the museum. The bronze walls used in the central patio with coarse textures are just little higher than around grand as the only implication of the museum’s existence for outside people.

The function division is explicit with self-isolated and relatively connected exhibition hall part and storeroom part. Linear exhibition spaces lead visitors from outside to sunken entrance patio, from exhibition hall to exit without any letup.





