©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

无锡鸿山遗址博物馆Wuxi Hongshan Ruins Museum





The museum houses tomb ruins with a history more than 2000 years and some research and exhibit rooms.

Located in rural fields between riverine towns in southern Chinese, it regenerates an architectural atmosphere, not only getting fit for its natural environment, but also being on a historical scene of the era when tomb was built. Local materials are used to harmonize the museum with surrounding houses, while the building massing is divided into several parts and suppressed to make the tomb ruins standing out.

According to the fabric of background fields, a series of parallel rectangles are placed randomly. Rammed earth walls and greened roofs make most of them being parts of the environments. Only the pitched roofs on the central axis, which are remolded from the roofs of the vernacular residence, are emphasized as leading actors that generate a feature mixing the roughness of ancient architecture and the pureness of local villages.

The primitive simplicity are not only achieved by the simply massing, but also the materials such as blasted sands of exterior walls, scree on pathway, copper tiles and white painting.





