©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

前门23号The Legation Quarter




Initially built as the American Legation in the beginning of 20th century, No.23 of Qianmen East Street housed lots of institutions before the renovation, while its original layout, five independent buildings and a quadrangle, has been badly damaged after several planless additions. The renovation focuses on restoring the quadrangle and making it a high-grand cultural & fashion center in downtown Beijing, which includes restaurants, gallery, theater and entertainment facilities.

The old buildings are renewed and the low-grade constructions are cleaned up. Brick walls behind buildings screen the disorder parts that incorporate the exterior spaces of the quadrangle with 9 aging trees. According to the preservation regulation of this historic district, the delicate north gate and north wall are restored.

The added volumes step down to make themselves subsidiaries of the old ones. Accesses for them are designed via the five old entries that provide enough chances for visitors to be inspired by the historic atmosphere. The designers juxtaposed this respect for tradition with a distinctly modern vocabulary of steel and glass structural elements, which will not breach the reserved buildings. Hiding behind the shade of trees, the crystal volumes restrain their expression and treat the historical scenes as the primary interior views. The state-of-the-art techniques and materials also give them a distinct feature from the 1920s’ style, maintaining the definition of history.





