©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

韩美林艺术馆Han Meilin Art Gallery


Located in a park of Tongzhou District, Beijing, the gallery facing a stop of light rail is designed to keep the opening and integrality of the park as well as give dramatic expression for passages on trains. The entrance leads people to a secluded approach bridge. And the Sunken courtyard provides an attractive view and an adequacy distance between visitors and the modest building. Various scales of exhibition halls emphasize its inner tension. Penetrated by some narrow vertical windows on both sides, the occlusive box becomes a stage for artworks fusing real and virtual scenes into one world. The meeting room which views simply the clear roof receives a sense of Zen. Outcropped Grey tiles in water pool imply memory of missing time. The wood texture of fair-faced concrete walls retains hand-made details. Red window frames and balusters of bridge show respect to the gallery’s neighbor – a traditional drama stage. All above-mentioned built up this little signet stone of the colorful earth.





