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奥林匹克公园传统元素下沉庭院NO.3 Subsided Court of Olympic Green




Traditional Chinese culture always embodies wise symbolization, waving a horsewhip means the actor traveled thousands of miles; siting a pavilion could concentrate natural spirit into a garden. When we want to present the happiness and hospitality of Beijing in the Olympic Game, we choose the elements of “Ritual and Music Culture” as a key in the design of subsided court.

We used red walls, golden color and bell tower. The red wall is a steel structure filled with more than one hundred of “drums”, which can be beaten and are installed with lamps. They are drums in the day and lamps at night. The combination of drums and lamps builds a festive red gate for Olympics. The golden color is not on the glazed tiles, but a row of “cooper Chinese vertical bamboo flutes” with holes on their pipes. Some bells for ritual music hang on steel frames which swing in case of wind and spread melodies around. Strings are installed in front of windows and can be plucked. In addition, we have also planted bamboos and placed pews, creating an environment to enjoy the ancient ritual music.



