©中国建筑设计院有限公司版权所有 京公网安备 11010202009403号 京ICP备15024055号-3

大地湾遗址博物馆Dadiwan Site Museum



Seat in a Neolithic eriod settlement relics with 3000-years cultural age, the site museum is an essay in designing in harmony with the natural qualities of a site. With a landscape dominated by the ridges and ravines of mountains and rammed earth buildings, our design emerge the museum as horizontally developed rammed earth walls in response to the shape and height of the ruins.

Progressing along the sinking ramp, visitors could reach the ancient river course which is now covered by thick vegetation. The exhibition space is a gradually rising way to response to the development of human civilization. Walls facing the relics feature large openings to provide close view of the Braise in soy sauce soil cultural level. The exterior tectonic manners, the rammed earth walls and the pebble cement floor are expanded into interior for an integrated atmosphere.

地点 甘肃省秦安县

用地面积:15 782㎡



