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中间建筑The Inside-Out






The Inside-Out, an art zone for individual and small innovation organization, occupies a site in the scenery area of West Mountain and is divided for several phases according for developing convenience.

Artist Colony

When the architects was asked to deposit 75 suits of artist studios in a 108m × 108m site, with a height limitation of 18m, the only thing they can image is one word – stacking. What interesting, is that exactly describes the situation of Chinese artist’s real life – artists are always gregarious animals. An art village, containing artists’ creation and living activities, is formed here. Through the elaborate planning process, street and courtyard are encircle by a mass of modules, the assembly of individuals. On the ground level is the opened “art circle” for public, while the second level is an inner street – “living circle” for artists’ themselves.

The concept – “floating container” is employed to represent the interaction of working and living in the same studio unit. For artist, working looks like driving beneath water surface, holding his breath to do his best; while breathing freely well depicts his leisure life in the rest time. Living spaces are several pure white boxes, floating above the 5.4m high working spaces. Raised up or sunken down, they exhibit various spatial relationship between working and living. With a 7×7m square plan for every floor, each white box is equipped with a functional island including all the  necessary service pipes to maximize the flexibility of the living spaces.

On the northwest corner, a huge glass box, the exhibition hall for artists, is elevated to 10m, interrupt the enclosure of the “circle”. Without legible boundaries of outside and inside, the intricate void serves as the main entrance of the art-studio cluster, and emphasizes the nature of this complex, a paradise of communication and infection for artists and public.





