欧美同学会改扩建Extension of Western Returned Scholars Association |

重庆国泰艺术中心Chongqing Guotai Arts Center |

江苏建筑职业技术学院图书馆Library of Jiangsu Jianzhu Institute |

北京外国语大学规划Planning & Architecture in BFSU |

康巴艺术中心Yushu Khamba Arts Center |

中信泰富朱家角锦江酒店CITIC Pacific Zhujiajiao Jin Jiang Hotel |

敦煌莫高窟数字展示中心Mogao Grottoes Digital Exhibition Center |

西安大华1935Renovation of Xi'an Dahua textile mill's plant and production auxiliary room |

中间建筑A、F区A/F Lots of the Inside-out |

苏州火车站站房The Building of Suzhou Railway Station |